Bowjax Crossbow Kit #1031

$ 28.00

The 1031 Crossbow Kit with 2 split limb dampeners, 4 Xbow string silencers, and 1 bolt spring dampener.  This Crossbow Kit really takes down the noise level. Thanks to customer feedback from crossbow users, the Bowjax research and design team set to work on dampeners that can work to quiet even the most powerful crossbows.

The limb dampeners should be placed midway distance between the cams and barrel. The limb dampeners are universally sized to fit gaps between 3/8" up to 1 1/8" wide. These install easily with provided screws. You should place the arms of the Limb Dampeners parallel to the limbs and face them on the inside of the limbs.

The X-bow string silencers should be placed at least 6 inches from the ends - they require a bow press as they go in between the strands of the crossbow string.

The complete crossbow dampening kit includes crossbow tough Monsterjax, crossbow Slipjax and a retention spring dampener set.